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TÜRKBİLMAT-6 Abstract Submission Rules

TÜRKBİLMAT-6 - Abstract Submission Rules

  Note: You can access the template sent to the authors for accepted papers at You should prepare your manuscript that you have uploaded on the system by using the specific sub headings in the relevant template. It is suggested that the file to be prepared should not exceed 1000 words excluding references.
Note: All candidate submissions will be reviewed by two experts through peer-review process.  
  Writing Rules  
  Rules for Research Papers        
  In addition to oral presentations, independent studies, doctoral dissertations or research projects will be included in this symposium as comprehensive research papers.
1. The thesis or projects to be submitted as a research paper must be completed and approved by the relevant institutions (such as university, TUBITAK, SPO, EU, etc.).
2. Research paper abstract to be presented should be uploaded to the system as a Word document with at least four (4) pages including the purpose, method, findings, discussion and results of the study as indicated in the above note about the template.
3. Papers accepted at the end of the peer-reviewing process as comprehensive research will be published in the Symposium Full Text Papers Book without being re-evaluated.
4. A sixty-minute period will be allowed to the presentation of the accepted research papers.
  Rules for Oral Presentations        
  Abstracts to be uploaded to the system should be between 500-1000 words including the introduction, method, findings, conclusions and recommendations of the study.
Abstracts should contain 3 to 5 keywords. Abstracts should be uploaded to the system with the help of the "Send Notification" link in the "Notification Submission Information" menu.
If authors would like their presentation to be published as a full text in the proceedings, they need to resubmit their study until November 20, 2023.
The papers which are accepted at the end of the peer-reviewing process as full-text or oral presentation will be given a 15-minute period.
  Rules for Posters        
  • Poster Sizes: The size of the posters to be presented is 70 x 90 cm and is designed vertically.
  • Title: Poster Name sould be written as 48 pt Times New Roman Character and bold.
  • The purpose should be clearly stated, appropriate figures, tables, graphics and photographs should be given with a brief description.
  • The posters' font size should be as readable from 1 meter.
  • Abbreviations and generally unacceptable definitions should be avoided. The font must be the same throughout the poster.
  • Posters should includes the followings;
    • Title, author names and addresses
    • Introduction and purpose of research
    •  Method
    • Findings, Discussion and Results. 
  •  All accepted posters at the end of the peer-reviewing process will be introduced by their authors at their indicated hours in the program. The person presenting the poster should be at the beginning of the poster at the time included in the symposium program.